Forest Schools
At Forest School children explore and learn in our woodland area on a regular and sustained basis. Our reception children enjoy weekly sessions with Born of the Forest which allows them to grow a love and respect for themselves, nature, their environment and the World, from the very start of their education with us.
As children move through school, they enjoy regular forest school sessions, enabling them to develop their knowledge and skills progressively.
Their experiences in our woodland supplement and enhance the learning in our curriculum. Children have the opportunity to work practically, learning how to use a range of tools safely; they develop their personal and social skills in many areas, including: teamwork, resilience, creativity and responsibility. They make music, build, cook, explore nature and engage in a wide variety of other activities that enhance the national curriculum.
What are the benefits of Forest School?
There is much researched evidence indicating that experience with the natural word is of benefit to children, young people and adults in terms of health and well being and that childhood experiences of nature affect behaviour and attitude towards the environment as adults.
Evaluations of the impact of Forest School on children have highlighted improved confidence, social skills, communication, motivation and concentration, physical skills, knowledge, understanding and respect for the natural environment.
Our forest school sessions are run by qualified forest school leaders from Born of the Forest.