School Uniform List & Stockists
Wearing school uniform is an important part of feeling part of the Scotton Lingerfield community and we pride ourselves on the children looking smart and well-presented.
Children are expected to wear full uniform daily, including when on educational visits. On the days that children do PE, they are expected to come into school wearing their PE kit. On the days that they do Forest School, they should come into school in forest school kit.
Standard Uniform
Grey trousers / shorts / skirt or pinafore dress
Royal blue knitted jumper / cardigan (school logo optional)
White shirt or white polo shirt (must have a top button)
Scotton Lingerfield School tie
Black school shoes (not trainers)
Grey or white socks / tights
Summer Uniform (optional after Easter holidays and up to October half-term)
Blue gingham dress
Grey shorts
Royal blue knitted jumper / cardigan (school logo optional)
White shirt or white polo shirt (must have a top button)
Scotton Lingerfield School tie (in hot weather tie may be removed at discretion of class teacher)
Black school shoes (not trainers)
Grey or white socks / tights
PE Kit
Royal blue or white polo shirt (school logo optional)
Plain black shorts (no logos)
Royal blue sweatshirt / hoodie (school logo optional)
Black tracksuit bottoms for winter (no logos)
Grey or white socks
Forest School Kit
Black / navy long trousers and long-sleeved top
Royal blue jumper / sweatshirt / extra fleece
Wellies / walking boots
Old trainers (in dry weather)
Waterproof coat and waterproof trousers
Gloves, hat and thick socks on colder days
Scotton Lingerfield School book bag
***Children will be issued with a transparent water bottle when they start school (replacements are available for purchase from school office). If you choose to supply your own water bottle, this must be transparent.***
***There will be termly second hand uniform sale held by the PTA. We welcome donations of good quality uniform which can be re-sold for this purpose. ***
Uniform items are available from the following stockists:
The School & Dance Shop in Knaresborough, tel. 01423 860447.
Or online from Schoolshop or My Clothing.
Many high street retailers stock unbranded school uniform.
Should parents/carers encounter any difficulty in being able to source or provide correct uniform items for their child/ren please contact the Headteacher for a confidential discussion.