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Scotton Lingerfield Primary School

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 Welcome to Early Years at Scotton Lingerfield Primary.

A child's first experience at school is extremely important to us and we strive to create an atmosphere that is happy, positive and where challenges can be overcome confidently and where help can be sought. Through our calm, nurturing setting we foster a love of learning and develop enquiring minds through questions such as 'I wonder..., What if?...'

Our rich, inquisitive environment sparks natural curiosity and we utilise open-ended resources to foster creativity and deep engagement.

We promote emotional well-being by building positive relationships and working in close partnership with our families and other professionals to develop and learn.

Uninterrupted play and the learning it brings is highly valued. We firmly believe that play is a tool for learning. Through play, children explore and develop learning experiences which help them make sense of the world. They practice and build up ideas, learn how to control themselves, and understand the need for rules, thereby developing emotional resilience and self regulation. Children have the opportunity to think creatively and problem solve alongside others. They express fears or relive anxious experiences in a controlled and safe situations as well as re-enacting positive experiences building self-awareness and self esteem.


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